Sunday, 9 September 2012


Everything starts and goes on,
the sky seems endless,
parallels only meet on the horizon.

We teach children and soldiers
propaganda, an education with a purpose,
an agenda without knowledge.
All flags have stains of blood

In an artificial rainbow drawn in synthetic sky,
where the colors mask the real rainbow.

Hidden by the lies, the childen
see exploiters, politics, business,
and mass media coloring their world.
We adults corrupt them from the womb.

Who once were doves, once were children.

Now are soldiers, terrorists, blooded zealots.
What a pity! They could be sisters and brothers,
friends and lovers who love one another
in peace and respect. We belong to each other,
we belong to peace, we belong to love.

Planet Earth I love you.
You are one common country:
for all species, all creatures,
all mankind.

Only tenants of your majesty,
we are all merely guests,
here for a very brief moment.
Alas, we are not wise, we do not leave
this wonderful place as it should be.

Instead we follow greed and avarice,
pursuing riches, hoarding them
as if we were eternal.
Earth as one nation,
and not the establishment of gurus
devoted only to false gods, money,
forbidding people to love,
to be friends,
to understand one another

Languages need to connect not to divide
Two persons who do not understand
each other can be two enemies,
entire peoples who understand can be friends.

Do not cut down the trees,
I want to breathe.

Rome is dead, corrupted, political leadership,
manipulated economic crisis also today
Those who govern the countries so badly are crazy.

We want peace!

Without understanding
they can make us hate one another and kill one another.
I would like to give you a world of love
my unknown enemy, like myself a soldier,
why enemies?
Send me an email of excuses at the cemetery
I will email back,
Maybe you were a poet too.

False colours and false words(topdown)
always lead to disasters.Those who did not return
have become skeletons for the glory of politicians
and their business affairs.

How many houses collapse in an earthquake
how many children become mutilated or skeletons
when the high technology flies and bombs.

How many graves!

History is not written using ink or electronic bytes,
the ink of history is not ink, it's blood.

Will we never stop electing those crazy people?

This poem is the result of cooperation. It was prompted by the 2012 UN summit on sustainable development in Rio de Janeiro,Brazil.
I took the line "We want peace" from Jordi Pinell i Pons' Poem for peace written by hand.
The poem that you see here has already evolved from my original as people from the US and UK have made their contributions.
Please join in and add or modify as you wish but keep to the central themes are peace, sustainable development and social and environmental justice. The result belongs to everybody. Peace belongs to everybody.

Thanks to all the people who exchanged translations in different languages of the word peace:

Ostapicus Nozhakus • ukrainian: МИР [myr], polish: POKÓJ [pо́kuj]
Claudia Baños Lopez • In Spanish: paz
Lola Owotomo • Latin: pax, Italian: pace
Lidia Capone • Frieden in German. The name Irene (from Eirene) also stands for peace in greek.
Aparecida De Aragão Da Costa • Paz, português. Paix, français. Sosseg, konkani
Leen Boden • In Dutch: "Vrede"
Anthonious Bennjamin • In Indonesia: "Damai"
Martha Mauri • Náhuatl: yocoxcayotl
Gunta Jēkabsone • In Latvian: miers
Nidhal Al-Nakkash • سلام في العربيه Peace means salam in Arabic . It is pronounced as / sela:m /
Dubravka Janekovic • In Croatian, Serbian & Bosnian: MIR, French : la paix
Emilia Delibasheva • In Bulgarian: МИР [mir]
Lorena Trotta • Russian: мир
Simona Dečko • In Slovenian: MIR
Menny Farber • In Hebrew is similar to Arabic We put it like this - שלום We say it like this - SHALOM
Renee Marais • 'Vrede' in Afrikaans, as in Dutch. Derived from Irene of Eirene, my first name also means 'peace'.
Nellie K. Adaba • Paz (Spanish), Pace (Italian), Paix (French, my native language).
Amal Seffein • Salam- in Arabic
Nellie K. Adaba • In Hebrew it's Shalom, my favourite word.
Radu Barbosa • Romanian: pace
Esha Tamras • In neo-Aramaic Assyrian "Shlama"
Gumersindo Sanchez-Gomez • Galician Paz, Portuguese Paz, Italian Pace, Indonesian Perdamaian
Claire Frey • In Korean, it's 세계 평화 [segae pyeonghwa]
AMITA TIWARI • in HINDI> SHANTEE > शान्ति, शांतिपूर्वक
Gertraud Kuramitsu • In Japanese: "HEIWA" 平和
African Linguist Network • Swahili is "Amani"
Mirna Popović • In serbo MIR, in croato MIR, in bosniaco MIR, in italiano PACE